Duke-Sloan Boot Camp

Updated on: 
August 22, 2023

More about

Duke University


Boot camp for undergraduate STEM students to be introduced to research at Duke

Requirements and Qualifications

#### Qualifications:

- Applicants must be undergraduate students in a STEM field.

#### Requirements:

- None specified.

#### Eligibility:

- Applicants must be undergraduate students.

#### Additional Information:

- The Duke-Sloan Boot Camp is a program for undergraduate STEM students to be introduced to research at Duke.
- The program aims to provide practical strategies for the graduate admissions process and encourage participants to think critically about their research interests and skills.
- The program is not an academic program.
- The program is open to all undergraduate students, not just those in STEM fields.
- The program is a bootcamp experience.
- For more information, visit the program website.
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